Layton ServiceDesk - Settings - Company Structure - Manage End User

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Depending on your organization, End Users are company employees, students, contractors, external clients, and even the general public. End Users have reduced access to the system to allow for the primary role of request submission. Depending on the Security configuration, End Users are permitted to create, view, search, and update Requests, as well as view their assigned Changes, submit Surveys, and view the Solution Base.

Once they are entered into the system, the End User accounts may be configured in the Manage End User page:

Lsd mng euser 01.png

It is important to configure the end users in a way that syncs with your organization's needs. For example, if single sign-on is desired, then it is best to import the users from Active Directory using the LDAP (Active Directory) Import End User utility. This will import the user accounts as defined in Active Directory, allow the mapping of Active Directory attributes to fields on the End User table in ServiceDesk, and automatically enable NTLM Login.

Once the End Users are added, they may also be categorized manually into their respective Company, Site, and Department from within the End User's Account Properties. These, along with the End User's contact information, are among several other default settings on the End User account form. This is a customizable form which may be modified in Administration > Form Design > End User to add new fields, and remove or modify the default fields. If there are no fields to meet your requirements, new user-defined fields may be added at any time in Data Design.

Lastly, the End User Settings allow the Administrator to easily manage each End User's Request Class permissions, as well as restrict Request access based on the End User's Site, Department, and Company.

If you have enabled the Company Level option, then a Company may be associated with the Site. The Site form may be modified in Administration > Form Design > Site.


Lsd mng euser 02.png

The list can be filtered on Company by selecting a Company in the Company menu, Site by selecting a Site in the Site menu and Department by selecting a Department in the Department menu. Any combination can be used.

Row Count

Rows Per Page

This control sets how many rows will be displayed per page. Making the number of rows less will result in a shorter page and a faster load time. Useful for when there are many Sites (more than 50).

Page Number

When the number of End Users exceeds the number of Rows Per Page, multiple pages will be created. To navigate, click a page number link or click the Go To field to enter a page number to jump to, then press Enter. Alternatively, click the down arrow in this field to select a page number to jump to.

Bulk Operations

This function is used to relocate a number of End Users to a different Company and/or Site at once.


  1. Check the Action checkbox for all the End Users that you intend to move.
  2. Click the confirm button Lsd btn confirm 24px.png.
  3. Conditional: If the End Users are not all currently in the same Site, you will get this dialog:

    Lsd mng euser action 02.png

    This simply means that the Site that appears in the next step will be that of the first End User selected. Click the Save button Save.png to proceed.
  4. Using the Company and Site menus, select the Company and/or Site to which you want to move the End Users:

    Lsd mng euser action 03.png

  5. Click the Save button Lsd btn save.png.

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This section has basic account settings to configure the End User name, contact information, Department, Site, and NTLM and Auto Login settings. Any settings changes will not take effect until the End User logs out and then logs in again.

Manage end user properties.png

End Username

The username for the End User. This will be used to identify the End User throughout the system. Once the account has been created, the username may not be changed.


End User's first name


End User's last name


End User's Department

Usual Site

End User's Usual Site. This will be used to auto-populate the Site field in Requests submitted by the End User or by an Analyst.


End User's telephone number


End User's email address. If your Incoming Email Settings have been configured, this will be used to automatically identify the End User who submitted the email. If Outgoing Email Settings have been configured, and Email Notifications have been enabled in Email Settings & Bodies, then the End User will receive Email Notifications to this email account.


End User's fax number.

NTLM Login

Turn On to allow NTLM auto-login, Off to disable.

Auto Login

This setting is defunct. It has been replaced by NTLM Login. Leave this set to Off.

Block Survey

Turn On to block Surveys for this End User, Off to allow.

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If End User Documents have been enabled, you will be given a document upload option in the End User Properties form:

End user document attachment.png

Clicking the button will display a pop-up dialog that allows you to browse to and attach your documents. You may upload multiple files here, one at a time. The files may be viewed, downloaded, and deleted in the Analyst Request Form.


The end user properties form has two optional fields that may be added in Form Design > End User:

  • sys_cont_startdate
  • sys_cont_enddate

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If End User Documents have been enabled, you will be given a document upload option in the End User Properties form:

End user document attachment.png

Clicking the button will display a pop-up dialog that allows you to browse to and attach your documents. You may upload multiple files here, one at a time. The files may be viewed, downloaded, and deleted in the Analyst Request Form.


The end user properties form has two optional fields that may be added in Form Design > End User:

  • sys_cont_startdate
  • sys_cont_enddate

Once these are added to the form, then the End User properties page will allow a start date and end date to be entered:

End user contract.png

After the end user contract is set, the contract expiration alert will be enabled in the Analyst Request Form. When the End User is selected in the Analyst Request form, the contract period is checked. If the contract is not current, then an alert appears:

Enduser contract expired prompt.png

To proceed and ignore the warning, click the green check. To cancel the request, click the red X.


The End User settings are accessed by clicking the pencil button in the Setting column of the Manage End User panel. This is where the Administrator will go to configure Request Class access and Security settings on a per-End User basis. There is also a utility with several different options to copy the settings from one End User to many. This was developed to help streamline the End User configuration process.

Request Class

In the Request Class tab of the End User Settings, all available Request Classes are listed in the table. The End User will only have access to view and create requests in the selected Request Classes. For example, the End User below will have access to the General Requests and Network Request Classes:

Manage end user request class.png

In order for these Request Class restrictions to take effect, Restrict End User Request Classes must be turned On in General Settings > Security > Global End User Security. If this setting is enabled, then the Add To New End User setting in Admin > Libraries > Request Classes becomes important. This setting determines whether the Request Class access will be given to newly created End Users or not.


The default configuration permits End Users to only view requests assigned to them. This could be a request they logged and submitted themselves, or a request that an Analyst logged on their behalf. The Security settings allow the Administrator to allow additional requests to be viewed by the End User. Each Security setting is defined below.

Manage end user security.png

Allow End User to view all Requests at their Site

Enabling this allows the End User to view all Requests submitted at their Site.

Allow End User to view all Requests at their Department

Enabling this allows the End User to view all Requests submitted in their Department.

Allow End User to view all Requests at their Company

Enabling this allows the End User to view all Requests submitted at their Company.

Allow End User to view all Requests

Enabling this allows the End User to view all Requests submitted.

Allow End User to restrict add Change

When checked, End Users will not have the option to create new Changes in the Log New Request menu.

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Copy Settings

The Copy Settings utility allows you to quickly change the settings of certain groups of End Users based upon the settings of a single user.

Manage end user copy settings.png

First, select the settings to be copied, Request Class (configured in the Request Class tab) and Request Access (configured in the Security tab). Next, from the To: drop-down menu, select the group of End Users to where the settings will be copied. Each Copy To option is defined below:

To Description
All End Users at the same Site Enabling this allows the End User to view all Requests submitted at her Site
All End Users at the same Department Enabling this allows the End User to view all Requests submitted in her Department
All End Users at the same Company Enabling this allows the End User to view all Requests submitted at her Company
All End Users Enabling this allows the End User to view all Requests submitted


The End User password may be changed by clicking the pencil icon in the Password column of the Manage End User panel. The new password is entered and confirmed. Saving the change completes the password update.

Manage end user pass reset.png


On the Manage End User panel, each user may be disabled by checking the box in the Disabled column. Disabling a user will remove him from the various lists of End Users throughout the system as well release one End User license as seen in License Information.


Relocate End User

An End User can be relocated from one site to another in bulk by checking the Action checkbox for the End Users and clicking the Action button Lsd btn confirm 24px.png.


End Users may be manually deleted by clicking the bin for the user to be deleted. This will successfully delete the End User only if they are not associated with any Request. If there has been a request, comment, or any other record entered by the End User, the delete will provide a prompt explaining such. In order to complete a successful deletion, the End User must be completely disassociated from all previous records in the system. For this reason, it is generally advised that End Users are disabled instead, which essentially achieves the same results as deletion.

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