Layton ServiceDesk - Release Notes - Version 6.7.0

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Revision as of 01:40, 10 August 2017 by Jpainter (Talk | contribs)

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ServiceDesk v6.7.0 is a minor release of the product. You must be using ServiceDesk v6.2.0 or later before you can upgrade to the latest version. If you are using an earlier version please upgrade by downloading v6.2.0 from the Update ➤ Layton ServiceDesk menu in the Client Support Portal before attempting to upgrade to the latest version.


Determining the Currently Installed Version

Please refer to this article to determine the currently installed version.

Obtaining the Update

Please log in to the Client Support Portal to download the upgrade installer.

Test Installation

We recommend that you create a Test Installation and upgrade it before committing to updating your live system.


Do not uninstall Layton ServiceDesk prior to upgrading. This is an update, not a full installer.

  1. Extract the lsd670_upgrade folder from the archive to the root of an attached, local drive.
  2. Back up your database
  3. In Windows Services Console:
    1. Stop the IIS Admin service
    2. Stop the LaytonServiceDesk service
  4. Open the lsd670_upgrade folder.
  5. Disable anti-virus software on the server, if running. This has been known to prevent the copying of files, especially .exe files, to the Program Files folder.
  6. Right-click the installer lsd670_upgrade.exe and select Run as administrator. This will avoid permission issues.
  7. In Windows Services Console, start the IIS Admin and LaytonServiceDesk services.
  8. Enable anti-virus software, if applicable.

New Features

# Title Description
67114 Combining Assigned and Unassigned Requests in List View New filter, Unassigned Requests In My Group (Open) & My Assigned Requests (Open). This combines My Assigned Requests(Open) and Unassigned Requests In My Group(Open).
67132 Read-Only End User Fields Not Populating on End User New Request Form In v6.5.7, the Analyst Request form was modified so that any of these fields from the euser (End User) table, added to the form as read-only fields, would be populated as soon as the eusername field was populated. This now also applies to the End User Request form.

Bug Fixes

# Title Description
65191 Calendar Times Incorrect Due to Time Zone
66873 Bugs When Analyst Adds Comment Via Email It's possible for an Analyst to add a Comment by sending an email to Layton ServiceDesk with the Request ID in the subject line, just like an End User. When Default Comment Status was set to Private, End Users were incorrectly getting the Request has Comment assigned from Analyst (Notify End User) notification.
67085 DBTool Not Updated to 6.6.9 DBTool.exe file version in File Properties was Now updated to
67093 CSV Import Misidentifying Column Names This issue occurred when attempting to import a CSV file using the Import End User (CSV & TXT) tool. The first row of the CSV file was interpreted as being the name of a column, and that there was only one column in the file.
67107 Calendar Not Working Correctly
67136 Authentication Method Setting Not Registered if Set in Management Studio An obscure bug was discovered when configuring the Login Authentication setting for LSD, in order to circumvent trouble with using LDAP authentication. If the setting were changed using a SQL query in Management Studio, the setting would not take effect unless the World Wide Web Publishing Services service was restarted. This is no longer necessary.

Released 2017-0

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