Layton ServiceDesk - Settings - Form Design - Analyst Request

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When a Request Class is created, an Analyst Request form for that Request Class will also be created. There will be as many Analyst Request forms as there are Request Classes.


Read-Only End User Fields

When added as read-only fields, the following system fields will update as soon as an End User is populated in the sys_eusername field:

Field Name Description
euser.sys_fullname Layton ServiceDesk concatenates sys_forename and sys_surname into this field. Commonly, you would use this field instead.
euser.sys_surname Surname or last name.
euser.sys_forename First or given name.
euser.sys_eclient_id Department.
euser.sys_siteid Site.
euser.sys_addstreet1 Address line 1. If the address does not have two parts, e.g. 15 Spenser Street, this will be entered here.

If the address has two parts, e.g. Level 16, Building 5X, etc., this will be entered here.
euser.sys_addstreet2 Address line 2. Used for the second line in a two-part address.
euser.sys_addsuburb The suburb or city, a major division of a metropolis.
euser.sys_addstate The state or province.
euser.sys_addpostcode Postal or ZIP code.
euser.sys_phone Main phone number. This is a generic type of phone, but most likely a landline.
euser.sys_mobile Mobile or cell phone number.
euser.sys_fax Fax number.
euser.sys_email Email address.
euser.sys_cont_startdate The date that the End User's contract starts.
euser.sys_cont_enddate The date that the End User's contract ends.

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