Layton ServiceDesk - Release Notes - Version 6.8.0

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Layton ServiceDesk v6.8.0 is a patch release of the product. Both update and full installers are available.

Determining the Currently Installed Version

Please refer to this article to determine the currently installed version.

Earliest Version that Can Be Updated to 6.8.0

You must be using ServiceDesk v6.2.0 or later before you can update to the latest version. If you are using an earlier version please update by downloading v6.2.0 from the Update ➤ Layton ServiceDesk menu in the Client Support Portal before attempting to update to the latest version.

.NET 4 Requirement introduced the need for .NET 4. If you are currently running a version prior to, it will need to be installed. Instructions are given below.

Test Installation

We recommend that you create a Test Installation and update it before committing to updating your live system.

Obtaining the Update

Please log in to the Client Support Portal to download the update installer.

Obtaining the Full Installer

The full installer is the currently available trial version, which can be downloaded from here. Please log in to the Client Support Portal to obtain your license details to register the application after installation.


IIS Manager Modifications

  1. Install Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x64).
  2. Restart.
  3. In IIS Manager, change IIS > DefaultAppPool > Enable 32-Bit Applications to True.

Updating from a Version Earlier than

Install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5

  1. If you are updating from a version earlier than, install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.
  2. Launch Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
  3. In the Connections pane on the left-hand side, click the server name.
  4. In the Actions pane on the right-hand side, click Change .NET Framework Version.
  5. Change the .NET Framework Version to v4.0.30319 and click the OK button.

    Lsd 6702 net4 config 02.png

  6. In the center panel, double-click ISAPI and CGI Restrictions.
  7. There are two items with the description ASP.NET v4.0.30319. Right-click each and select Allow.

    Lsd 6702 net4 config 01.png

  8. Close Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
  9. Continue in the next section, Updating from a Version Later than

Updating from a Version Later than

Layton ServiceDesk

Do not uninstall Layton ServiceDesk prior to updating.

  1. Extract the lsd_update_680 folder from the archive to the root of an attached, local drive.
  2. Back up your database.
  3. If your server is virtual, snapshot the server.
  4. In Windows Services Console, stop the following services:
    • IIS Admin Service
    • LaytonServiceDesk
    • World Wide Web Publishing Service.
  5. Disable anti-virus software on the server, if running. This has been known to prevent the copying of files, especially .exe files, to the Program Files folder.
  6. Open the lsd_update_680 folder.
  7. Right-click the installer lsd680_upgrade.exe and select Run as administrator. This will avoid permission issues. Note that the progress dialog may report that it is not responding, but this process may simply take some time.
  8. In Windows Services Console, start the above services.
  9. Re-enable anti-virus software, if applicable.

Full Installation

New Installation

If you are installing for the first time, refer to System Requirements and follow the links at the right bottom of each related article.

Clean Reinstallation

If you are doing a Clean Reinstallation, follow the Clean Reinstallation procedure.

New Features

# Title Description
67684 sys_approval_status and sys_change_status Added to Change Business-Rules Criteria New options in Change Business-Rule criteria: sys_approval_status (whether approval for the Change is Pending or Approved) and sys_change_status (one of the Change statuses defined in Change Statuses).
67755 New Notification: Request is Created By End User (Notify End User) This notification relates specifically to the event where an End User who is logged into the web interface creates a new Request that is associated with their End-User account. From the beginning of the product, no notification was provided for this event, the assumption being that an End User doing so is aware that they created the Request.

Over the years, there has been sufficient confusion about the lack of a notification for this event, that a new email notification has been added: Request is Created By End User (Notify End User). For clarity, the previous Request is created (Notify End User) has been renamed Request is Created By Analyst (Notify End User).

67761 Email Settings List View Display Modifications When a system contained a number of Request Classes, the Email Settings interface would get compressed horizontally, so that the headings in the Edit columns for each Request Class would not align. This has been improved for clarity by adjusting the column widths and making the table scroll horizontally.
67617 Request Template Sorting Both the list of Request Templates in Administration > Libraries > Request Templates and the selection dialog in the Request form are now sorted alphabetically, to make them easier to find.

Bug Fixes

# Title Description
67536 Broken Page When Opening Calendar For some users, when clicking the Calendar tab, they were seeing a broken page of type parser error. This has been resolved.
67702 Absent Analysts Appeared as Available An interface issue was resolved where an Analyst who has an approved absence appeared to be available in the Analyst-selection dialog on the Request form.
67740 Extra Text in config.xml File A bug caused escaped text to appear in the config.xml file, which stores the SQL connection details. This has been resolved.
67748 CSV Import Not Parsing Commas On importing End Users from a CSV file, commas were ignored and a whole row was parsed as a single cell. This has been resolved.
67752 Blank Analyst LDAP Connection on New Database Creation In the Full version of 6.7.3, when creating a new database using the DBTool utility, an empty LDAP connection was created. This has been resolved.
67754 Error on LDAP Import The system was supposed to disable users that appeared in Layton ServiceDesk but not LDAP first, which would free up licenses that could be used in a later step of adding users that appeared in LDAP but not Layton ServiceDesk. This was not occurring, causing the system to run out of licenses prematurely. This has been resolved.
67757 Request Form Combo Box Display Bug With a dark page background, certain menus were rendered without a contrasting menu background. On mouseover, the interior would go white. This was the appearance when the mouse was not hovering over it:
Lsd 680 bug 67757.png
Note: If there is no change after update, please clear your browser's cache.
67759 Priority Site Dialog Display Bug If the system contained a lot of Sites, there was a display bug in Administration > Libraries > Priority. Clicking the Edit button Lsd btn edit 24px.png in the Site column would show the Select Site dialog, but the dialog could not be scrolled to access all the Sites. This has been resolved.
67787 Some Emails Not Being Processed from Exchange Server Adjustments have been made in an ongoing analysis and correction of an intermittent failure to import email bodies in a continued effort to finalise a solution.
67789 Can't set Change Request Type Options A bug has been fixed where clicking the Task Template Lsd btn task template.png and CAB Group buttons Lsd btn cab group 24px.png in Change Request Types was not opening the appropriate pages.
67814 DBTool: Can't Open Connect to Existing Database Interface During the installation process of the full version, a bug has been resolved where clicking Connect to Existing Database in the DBTool utility would give a warning dialog, and, when closed, would not open the Connect to Existing Database interface.

Released 2018-11-08

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