Layton ServiceDesk - Implementing Project Management
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Layton ServiceDesk can be used to manage projects, using a combination of a project-specific Request Class, Request Types specific to that Request Class, Requests in that Request Class, and Tasks.
Request Class
Go to Administration > Libraries > Request Classes.
Recommended Configuration
- Create a Request Class for the project.
- Configure these settings:
- Class: Name of the project
- Description: A brief description
- Reply Email: No value
- Add To New Analyst: Disable. It's unlikely that you would want every new Analyst to be assigned to this Request Class.
- Add To New End User: Disable. End Users will not be a part of this project.
- Close Request when Tasks Complete: Disable
- Dynamic Form Generator: Disable
- Create Forms:
- Analyst: Enable
- End User: Disable—End Users won't be using it.
- Spawn: Enable.
Request Types
Go to Administration > Libraries > Request Types.
Recommended Configuration
- Create a new top-level Request Type. All the Request Types that would be used with the project will be below this. It will be used as an organizational level to hold the Request Types that will be used.
- Configure these settings:
- Name: The same name used with the project Request Class
- Is Incident: Disable
- Request Class: The Request Class that is being used for the project, with the project name
- Default Priority: (None)
- Auto Populate Assigned Analyst: (None)
- Specify Analyst: No value
- Do Not Email: Disable
- Task Template: None
- Create the Request Types that will be used with the project as sub-level Request Types to the previous. Use these settings:
- Name: A meaningful name for the type of Request that it will be used with
- Is Incident: Disable
- Request Class: The Request Class that is being used for the project, with the project name
- Default Priority: At your discretion
- Auto Populate Assigned Analyst: At your discretion
- Specify Analyst: At your discretion
- Do Not Email: Disable
- Task Template: At your discretion
Request Class
- Go back to Administration > Libraries > Request Classes.
- For the project Request Class, click the Edit button
in the Request Type column to open the Request Type dialog.
- Disable every top-level Request Type (you don't have to expand and disable every sub-level Request Type), except for the one that applies to the project. Ensure that all the sub-level Request Types are enabled.
- Click the Save button
to close the dialog.
Analyst Configuration
Analysts need to be assigned to the project-management Request Class, and those who are not part of the project need to be unassigned.
- Go to Administration > Company Structure > Manage Analyst.
- For the first Analyst, click the Edit button
in the Skills column.
- If they will be associated with the project, Enable the top-level Request Type that has the project name. This will enable every sub-level Request Type. If not, make sure that it is not enabled.
- Repeat this process with every Analyst.
Form Design
As certain elements of a standard form won't apply, like the End User field, consider modifying the default form.
Much of the use of a project-management Request is covered in the general usage of the Requests portion of the product. Here are some specific features that may apply to project management:
- Create Requests in the normal manner, using the project Request Class.
- Tasks can be used to accomplish smaller aspects of the work of a Request.
- Requests can be spawned, if a duplicate is required, for example, assigning the same or similar Request to two Analysts.
Please contact Support for help with detailed configuration and usage.