Layton ServiceDesk - Reporting - Scheduling Reports

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Reports can be scheduled to run at a set interval, which will produce a PDF or CSV file that is emailed to specified email addresses.

Any report other than a statistics report can be scheduled. The reports that can be scheduled produce a grid of results.

Lsd reporting sched 01.png

New Scheduled Report

  1. The Analyst who will be doing this procedure must have Reports Access enabled on their account, or they will not see the Reporting tab.
  2. Click the Add button Lsd btn plus.png. The Name dialog will open:

    Lsd reporting sched 02.png

  3. Enter a name for the schedule in the Name field. Note that this is not necessarily the same as the report name.
  4. Select a report in the Report menu.
  5. Click a checkbox for the type of file attachment you want.
  6. Click the Save button Lsd btn save.png.
  7. The Schedule dialog will open:

    Lsd reporting sched 03.png

  8. Configure a start date (default is the current date) in the Starting From menu.
  9. Click the Daily, Weekly or Monthly radio button, then configure the remaining applicable settings.
  10. Click the Save button Lsd btn save.png.
  11. The Report Email Body dialog will open:

    Lsd reporting sched 04.png

  12. Enter the email addresses to which the report will be emailed, separated by a semicolon, in the Sent to field.
  13. Enter a subject in the Subject field.
  14. Enter a body in the Body field.
  15. Click the Save button Lsd btn save.png.

Modifying a Scheduled Report

Name and Attachment Type

  1. In the Manage Scheduled Reports list view, click the ID in the ID column, the name in the Name column, or the report in the Report column.
  2. The Name dialog will open:

    Lsd reporting sched 02.png

  3. Make changes and click the Save button Lsd btn save.png.


  1. In the Manage Scheduled Reports list view, click the date in the Last Run Time column or the schedule in the Scheduling column.
  2. The Schedule dialog will open:

    Lsd reporting sched 03.png

  3. Make changes and click the Save button Lsd btn save.png.

Email Configuration

  1. In the Manage Scheduled Reports list view, click the email button Lsd btn incoming email.png for the schedule.
  2. The Report Email Body dialog will open:

    Lsd reporting sched 04.png

  3. Make changes and click the Save button Lsd btn save.png.

Deleting a Scheduled Report

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  1. Click the Delete button Lsd delete 16px.png for the applicable schedule.
  2. In the confirmation dialog, click the Confirm button Lsd btn confirm 24px.png.

    Lsd reporting sched 05.png

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