Layton ServiceDesk - Workflows - Disabling a Request Class

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At this time it is not possible to disable a Request Class. There is a procedure to delete a Request Class that may be what you require.

You might want to disable a Request Class if you aren't using it anymore, but want to preserve it in the state it is in. This is a workaround.

This operation will hide the Request Class from all Analysts and End Users, but that means you won't see the open Requests in this Request Class. An optional step will allow a specific Analyst to view the Request Class.


  • Analysts and End Users will have to have at least one Request Class assigned, or they will see nothing. You’ll have to check all Request Classes except the one you want to disable. If you haven't enabled Restrict Request Classes before, then your Analysts and End Users probably won't have had any Request Classes checked.
  • If you have different Request Class assignments for your End Users, it will get complicated, because you’ll need to know which End Users get which settings. The copy options All End Users at the same Site and All End Users in the same Department will help if the End Users in those organisational units have the same settings.


It is important to test this workaround in a Test Installation before committing to it in your live installation.



  1. Go to Administration > Libraries > Manage Request Class > REQUESTCLASSNAME
    1. Properties: uncheck:
      1. Add To New Analyst
      2. Add To New End User
    2. Request Types: uncheck all.
  2. For each Analyst, go to Administration > Company Structure > Manage Analyst > Analyst > Request Class and make sure that REQUESTCLASSNAME is unchecked.
  3. Go to Administration > Company Structure > Manage Analyst > Each Analyst > Settings > Access Restrictions: Enable Restrict Request Classes.

End Users

  1. Choose an End User for
  2. Go to Administration > Company Structure > Manage End User > Choose an End User > Setting > Request Class: uncheck REQUESTCLASSNAME.
  3. Go to Administration > Company Structure > Manage End User > Same End User > Setting > Copy Settings: Copy Request Class settings to All End Users
  4. Go to Administration > General Settings > Security > Global End User Security: set Restrict End User Request Classes to On.
  5. Optional: If you want an Analyst to see the Request Class, go to Administration > Company Structure > Manage Analyst > Specific Analyst > Request Class. Make sure that REQUESTCLASSNAME is checked.

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