Layton ServiceDesk Features

When you invest in Layton ServiceDesk you can be sure of our committment to deliver you the best a help desk can offer. We have a dedicated team of in-house developers and an on-going investment in R & D that ensures we continually meet the changing needs of our customers.

100% web based Help Desk
Fully Customizable form design
Active Directory Integration including Multiple Active Directories
Automatic email to ticket conversion
Automatic Email Notifications to Technicians & End Users
Email Keyword Routing
Work Flow: Scheduled Tasks, Recurring and Automatic with Dependencies
Business Rules with Automatic Request Routing
SLA Management
Request Templates for quick logging
Knowledge Base
End User Portal for Logging & Tracking Requests
End User Self Service
Request Attachments
Asset Management through AuditWizard
Dashboard with interchangeable charts
User Survey
NTLM Auto Login
Complete History of Request
Full Audit Trail
Flexible Operational Hours / Holidays
Analyst Calendar & Job Scheduler
LDAP Integration
Costing Module
Re-branding supported
Reporting and Analysis
Customizable Reports
Query Builder
Scheduled Reports
Canned Reports
Export as CSV, XLS & PDF
Incident Management
Problem Management
Optional Problem Closure Rules
Problem Management Workflow
Problem Analysis
Work Around & Solutions
Incidents & Problem associations
Change Management
Support different Types of Change
Standard Change
Minor Change
Major Change
Significant Change
Change Approval Board
Change History
Operating System Support
Windows IIS
SQL Server version 2005, 2008, 2010 and 2012 Full or Express editions
Browser Support
Windows Explorer 9+
FireFox 3+