Layton ServiceDesk - Troubleshooting - License Renewal Page Opens on Login

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Revision as of 04:24, 6 August 2020 by Jpainter (Talk | contribs)

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In this situation, you log in and are presented with the license-renewal page. Typically, this page would be used in a trial scenario, where a trial license had expired and a new temporary license were issued. If you are a paid subscriber, this can also happen shortly after the expiry of your last subscription and the beginning of the new.


  1. Go to this URL, substituting your server name for SERVERNAME:
  2. The registration page will open, with fields for Customer Name, Customer ID and License Key. Obtain these by logging into the Customer Support Portal or contacting Support.
  3. Enter the details and click the Save button Lsd btn save.png.

Additional Fix

  1. After the above, if a message appears, stating that the number of End Users exceeds the number of licenses, you need to either:
    • Purchase additional End User licenses, in which case, contact Sales
    • Disable sufficient End Users to get your count below that of your license. This can happen where test accounts are created, or an unwanted OU from Active Directory is imported. Because not being able to log in to Layton ServiceDesk is an emergency, you will have to do this, even if you order more licenses.
  2. From the Customer Support Portal, note how many licenses you have.
  3. In Management Studio, run this script to document the accounts that you will be disabling. Change ENTERNUMBERHERE to the number of accounts you need to disable (not delete). For example, if you have 300 End User licenses and there are 340 enabled End Users, you would change it to 40.
    SELECT    TOP(ENTERNUMBERHERE) sys_eusername, sys_forename + ' ' + sys_surname AS "Full Name"
    FROM      euser
    WHERE     sys_disabled <> 1
  4. Save the results. The End User accounts are selected from the top down, and some End Users will need to be re-enabled, so you will need this reference to re-enable them.
  5. Run this script to disable enough End Users so that you can log in. Again, change ENTERNUMBERHERE to the number of accounts you need to disable:
    SET       sys_disabled = 1
    WHERE     sys_disabled <> 1
  6. Log in and review the End Users that need to be deleted, and delete them. This will get the number of End Users down below your license count.
  7. Review your LDAP import settings to ensure that they are correct.

If this emergency procedure does not allow you log in, or there is some complication while following it, please contact Support with full details, for assistance.

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