Layton ServiceDesk - Reporting - Overview

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Layton ServiceDesk includes a powerful reporting and analytics engine with the ability to create and customize your own reports, including the ability to export to CSV, XLS and PDF.

Layton ServiceDesk includes over 100 predefined reports and charts out of the box. Each report provides ServiceDesk Analysts and Management with key data at their finger tips. While the canned reports will be more than adequate for most users, Layton ServiceDesk provides a powerful Report Builder tool which enables you to create any report you need using the intuitive report builder interface. You can very quickly create detailed data grid reports with Pie, Column and Line charts. A number of Trend charts are also include and you can create your own trend reports, which are particularly useful to spot spikes in your help desk data.

This guide defines how to create, copy, modify, schedule and delete reports and also how to restore the system default reports that are supplied with the Layton ServiceDesk. All the Layton ServiceDesk Reports are stored as XML files in the Reports table in the Layton ServiceDesk database.

List of Included Reports


Request Statistics by Analyst

This statistics report lists all the enabled Analysts and statistics based on SLAs configured in Priorities.


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Current Open

The number of Requests that are currently open within the date range specified.

Opened in Range

The number of Requests that were opened within the date range specified.

Re-Opened in Range

The number of Requests that were changed from a Suspend or Closed status to a Continue status within the date range specified.

Closed in Range

The number of Requests that were closed within the date range specified.

Achieved Target

The number of Requests that were resolved within the Resolve Hours within the date range specified.

Missed Target

The number of Requests that were not resolved within the Resolve Hours within the date range specified.

No Target Set

The number of Requests that were not assigned a Priority, or were assigned a Priority without a configured SLA, within the date range specified.

Closed By 1st Assign

The number of Requests that were closed by the first Analyst assigned within the date range specified. This can be via manual assignment by an Analyst manually creating a Request and assigning it to themselves or a different Analyst, or via auto-assignment. The key is that the Request was only assigned to one Analyst, then closed.

Closed By Later Assign

The number of Requests that were closed by an Analyst other than the first Analyst assigned within the date range specified. This means that more than one Analyst was assigned to the Request, e.g. in a two-tier support system, First-Level Support was unable to resolve the Request and assigned it to Second-Level Support.

Average Durations

The display of the average duration is controlled by the setting Statistics Duration Display in Administration > General Settings > Request Settings. The options are hours and minutes or decimal.

Avg Duration

The average duration, in hours, that Requests were open, for the specified date range and filters. Default Working Hours and closed periods are ignored.

Avg Duration 24hr

The average duration, in hours, that Requests were open, for the specified date range and filters. In this case, the duration is calculated based on 24 hours a day, ignoring Default Working Hours and closed periods.

All Requests First Resolution

First Resolution means the Request was resolved by the end of the first contact, with no comments from the Analyst. To count, the Request has to be closed within the specified period. A Request owned by an Analyst, but not assigned to that Analyst at the time of closure, does not count.

Example: An End User phones the servicedesk, the Analyst opens a Request and closes it in the one session.

The report lists all the Analyst Groups, starting with Requests not assigned to an Analyst Group. The Request Class menu can be used to select (All) Request Classes, or a filter out a specific one.


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Logged In Period

The quantity of Requests for each Analyst that were created within the specified date range.

Total Time Spent

The total time spent on first-resolution Requests.

Average Time Spent

The average time spent on first-resolution Requests.

Resolved on First Contact

The number of Requests resolved on first contact.

% Resolved on First Contact

The number of Requests resolved on first contact.

Request Reports

Problem Reports

Change Reports

Task Reports

Priority/SLA Reports

Miscellaneous Reports

Custom Reports

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