Layton ServiceDesk - Workflows - Migrate Limited Request Data from One Database to Another

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This workflow can be used to transfer limited Request information from one database to another. It would be used if you wanted to start a brand-new database, abandoning your old one, but wanted to transfer open Requests. This is different to a Migration, which is a full transfer of all information.



Create Layton ServiceDesk Test Installation

  1. Create a Test Installation. This will be used for testing, but will also become the live installation. This will also give you the latest application version.
  2. As part of the Test Installation, a new database should be created in the DBTool with the Install New Database option. This will be the latest database version.
  3. Before launching Layton ServiceDesk, back up the new database using Management Studio.
  4. Launch Layton ServiceDesk and configure End User LDAP Import.
  5. Import End Users by clicking the Import Users button Lsd ldap import btn 16px.png.

Prepare Old Request Data for Import

  1. In Management Studio, run this query:
    SELECT sys_requestdate
    FROM request
    WHERE sys_requestclosedate IS NULL
    This will return four columns for any Request that has not been closed.
  2. In the Results pane, click the blank square to the left of the header and above the first row. This will select all cells in the grid.
  3. Right-click and select Copy with Headers.
  4. Open a new Notepad window and paste.
  5. From the File menu, select Save As....
  6. Navigate to the Desktop.
  7. Change the Save as type menu to All Files (*.*).
  8. In the File name field, enter lsd_requests_old.txt and click the Save button. This will create a tab-delimited text file.
  9. Close Notepad.
  10. Close the SQL Server query without saving.

Import Old Request Data into Temporary Table in New Database

  1. In Management Studio, expand SERVER\INSTANCE > Databases.
  2. Right-click the new database and select Tasks > Import Flat File....
  3. The Import Flat File dialog will appear.
  4. Click the Browse... button and navigate to
  5. Click the Open button. This will populate the Location of file to be imported field.
  6. Do not change any of the other fields. Click the Next > button.
  7. In the Preview Data tab, the first line of the text file has been interpreted as list of column names, and the data has been extracted into columns and rows. Click the Next > button.
  8. Change the Data Types as below:
Column Name Data Type Primary Key Allow Nulls
sys_requestdate smalldatetime Unchecked Checked
sys_eusername nvarchar(50) Unchecked Checked
sys_problemsummary nvarchar(255) Unchecked Checked
sys_problemdesc ntext Unchecked Checked
  1. Click the Next > button.
  2. In the Summary tab, click the Finish button.
  3. The import will complete and the Result should be Success. Click the Close button to close the dialog.

Prepare New Database End User Table for Import

This will return any End Users that are present in the old Request data, but not yet imported into the new database. The referenced End Users must be in the database, or the import will fail.

  1. In Management Studio, run this query:
    SELECT DISTINCT (LRO.sys_eusername) AS "Missing End Users"
    FROM euser EU
    RIGHT JOIN lsd_requests_old LRO
    ON EU.sys_eusername = LRO.sys_eusername
    WHERE LRO.sys_eusername NOT IN
    (SELECT sys_eusername
    FROM euser)
  2. If there are any results, those End Users are not yet in the database. Check the LDAP import settings or create the End Users manually, then run the query again.

Once there are no results, the new End User table is ready for import.

Import Old Request Data into Request Table in New Database

  1. In Management Studio, run the following script:
    INSERT INTO request
    SELECT sys_requestdate
    FROM lsd_requests_old
    This will import the data from the temporary table into the request table.

Clean Up

  1. In Management Studio, right-click the lsd_requests_old temporary table and select Delete.
  2. In the Delete Object dialog, click the OK button.
  3. Run this set of queries to populate the Request Class and Status, otherwise, the Request form will break:
    UPDATE request
    SET sys_requestclass_id ='(Default)'
    UPDATE request
    SET sys_requeststatus = 0
  4. Log into Layton ServiceDesk and go to Request List View. You will find that no Request has an associated Request Type, nor assignment. Open each and complete the population of desired fields.

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