AuditWizard - Using AuditWizard - Administration - Data Setup - Asset Types

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Within AuditWizard, assets fall broadly into four distinct categories; Computers, Peripherals, USB Devices and Mobile Devices. Computers indicate assets on which the AuditWizard scanner can actually be executed, whereas the Peripheral category is used by assets that cannot be scanned such as Hubs, Routers and Network Printers, but which should be included within the AuditWizard database.

The AuditWizard database is pre-populated with asset types for Computers, Peripherals, USB devices and Mobile devices. In addition a number of specific types of asset, such as PC, Server, Laptop, Hub, Switch and Network Printer are also predefined.

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AuditWizard also allows you to extend this default data to include additional categories to extend the ability of AuditWizard to manage additional items and also add in additional types of asset within any of these categories.

To add a new category of asset, click 2011-02-21 1002.png under the left-hand pane. Alternatively, right-click the left-hand pane and select New Category. The New Asset Category window will be displayed:

Adding a New Asset Category

Enter a unique name for the category and optionally specify an icon for the category. Click OK to save the category.

To add a new Asset Type, click 2011-02-21 1002.png under the right-hand pane. Alternatively, right-click the right-hand pane and select New Category. The New Asset Type window will be displayed:

Adding a New Asset Type

The Category field will be automatically populated with the selected category before opening the New Asset Type window. Enter a unique name and optionally select an icon for the new Asset Type. Click OK to the Asset Type.

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