AuditWizard - Using AuditWizard - Administration - Auditing - Upload Options

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Upload Options

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Delete files after upload

Files will be deleted from the data folder after having been successfully uploaded. This is the default setting.

Move uploaded files to the \backup folder

A folder called backup will be created in the data folder in the network share and the files will be moved there after successful upload.


You can turn off automatic upload with this checkbox. Useful for testing. Audit files collect in the data folder without being uploaded. They can be manually uploaded by clicking the Upload Audits button in Network View.

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Overwrite User-Defined Data

Normally, as a result of uploading interactive audits, you would want new user-defined data (e.g. Assigned User) to overwrite older data. This can be turned on here (off by default).

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Domain and Asset Names in Upload Identification Process

When a network contains computers, commonly "white-box" or no-name brands, that return generic identification data, such as To Be Filled By O.E.M. in place of a serial number, these computers can't be reliably identified using this data. In this case, the domain name and asset name become the dominant data used for identification. Because of this, if a computer is renamed, the identification will fail and you'll get two entries for the same computer with different names, so it is not advisable to change an asset's name.

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