Layton ServiceDesk - Installation - New Installation

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Step 1

Run the MSI installation file. This will take you through the setup procedure for Layton ServiceDesk.

Note: You may need to stop your IIS Services first in order to get a successful installation. Then restart all IIS Services when installation is completed to access the application.

Step 2

By default, a virtual directory called Layton ServiceDesk will be created under the Default Web Site in IIS. The application files will be installed in C:\Program Files\Layton Technology\Layton ServiceDesk\. These can be changed during the installation if required.



Select Installation Location

Step 3

You will be prompted to connect to the SQL Server to create a database. Enter the SQL Server name, including the instance if one exists (e.g. SERVER\SQLEXPRESS), then click Connect. Accept the default Trusted Connection (NT authentication) or uncheck and enter a SQL account.



SQL Database Connection

Step 4

Click the Find button next to the DB Path field. Click the Install button to create a new database. Once finished, click OK, then Close.



SQL Database Creation

Step 5

Once installation is completed, a shortcut is created on the desktop. You can now access the Layton ServiceDesk system from any web browser with access to the server. To test this, launch a web browser on the server and enter the following address:


The default Analyst login is Admin with the password mib. It is recommended that you change this password during user account configuration for security reasons and do not forget your new password as it is encrypted and cannot be recovered or changed if forgotten.

On First Launch

Sample Databases

When you first launch Layton ServiceDesk you will be prompted to install a sample database. We recommend you install it to enable you to get a feel for what the application can do.

In addition, there is a sample asset database that can be installed so you can see just how effective Layton ServiceDesk is at working with your IT assets.

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