AuditWizard - Release Notes - AuditWizard Scanner and Agent

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AuditWizard Scanner and Agent are minor releases of the product to address Windows 10 and Server 2016 compatibility, to correct the misidentification of Windows 8, and to standardise the version number.

You must be using AuditWizard 8.4.4 to use this version of the Scanner. If you are using an earlier version, please upgrade to 8.4.4 before implementing. See the release notes for details on how to upgrade.

Associated Application Version

Scanner and Agent were included in the release of AuditWizard 8.4.5.

Determining the Currently Installed Version


Please refer to the section Scanner Version in this article to determine the currently installed Scanner version.


Please refer to the section Agent Version > On the Server in this article to determine the currently installed Scanner version on the server. If the date for the AuditAgent.exe on the server is earlier than 2016-02-29, then it will need to be updated. Subsequently, all client deployments will also need to be updated.


Obtaining the Update

Download the updates from here:


Both Scanner and Agent should be updated on the AuditWizard server. If the Agent is also in use, it will need to be updated on client computers.


  1. In Windows Explorer, go to C:\Program Files (x86)\AuditWizard v8\.
  2. Copy the new AuditScanner.exe into the place of the existing one.
  3. Go to your network share.
  4. Delete the scanner folder.
  5. In AuditWizard, go to Administration > Auditing > AuditScanner Configuration.
  6. Ensure that your settings are correct.
  7. Click the Deploy to Network button in the Ribbon. This will copy the AuditScanner.exe and configuration file to your network share.


  1. In AuditWizard Services Control, stop the service. Alternatively, in Windows Services Console, stop the AuditWizardService service.
  2. In Windows Explorer, go to C:\Program Files (x86)\AuditWizard v8\AuditAgent\.
  3. Copy the new AuditAgent.exe into the place of the existing one.
  4. Start the AuditWizard service.
  5. Conditional, if the Agent is in use:
    1. In AuditWizard, go to Administration > Auditing > AuditAgent Configuration.
    2. Ensure that your settings are correct.
    3. Redeploy the Audit Agent to all clients.

Bug Fixes

# Title Description
66500 Windows 10, Server 2016 and Windows 8 Computers Incorrectly Identified This Scanner resolves the misidentification of Windows 10, Server 2016 and Windows 8 as different Windows versions.

Released 2017-04-05

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