AuditWizard - Administration - General - Sending Your Database to Support

From Layton Support
Revision as of 00:13, 6 May 2014 by Jpainter (Talk | contribs)

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On occasion, Support may need to examine your database to understand the cause of an issue or to repair your database. Here are the instructions on how to send:

  1. If you are using the embedded database, zip the file aw_df.sdf, located in C:\Program Files\AuditWizard v8\db\.
  2. If you are using a SQL Server, back up the database to a .bak file.
  3. Important! You must zip the file before sending to greatly reduce its size. Send either zip file to Support via our upload service.

If you are using SQL Server, please indicate which version. If you are using AuditWizard accounts (AuditWizard-specific accounts used to log in to AuditWizard), please supply the password for the built-in admin account.

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