Layton ServiceDesk - Reporting - Overview
Layton ServiceDesk includes a powerful reporting and analytics engine with the ability to customize your reports, including exporting to CSV, XLS and PDF.
Layton ServiceDesk includes over 80+ predefined reports, charts and statistics out of the box. Each report provides ServiceDesk Analysts and Management with key information at their fingertips. While the out of the box reports may be more than adequate for most users, Layton ServiceDesk Report Builder is a powerful tool which enables you to create any reports you need using the intuitive report builder interface. You can quickly create detailed data grid reports or chart reports such as Pie, Column and Trend charts.
This section defines how to create, copy, modify, schedule and delete reports and also how to restore the system default reports that are supplied with the product. All the Layton ServiceDesk Reports are stored as XML files in the Reports table in the Layton ServiceDesk database.