AuditWizard - Using AuditWizard - Administration - General - Database Maintenance - Change Database Wizard

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This procedure is used any time you want to change to a different SQL Server database. Usually this would be when migrating from the embedded database to SQL Server.

Determining Which Version of SQL is in Use

  1. Go to Administration > General > Database Maintenance.
  2. The database you are currently connected to appears in the Change Database panel. It will be either SQL Compact or SQL Server.

SQL Compact

The embedded SQL Compact Edition 3.5 database that all AuditWizard installations begin with.

   C:\Program Files\AuditWizard v8\db\aw_db.sdf

SQL Server

If a SQL Server database is connected, you will see a SQL Server version and the SQL Server name.

   You are currently connected to : SQL Server XXX.X.XXXX.X
   Data source : SERVER\INSTANCE, Database : AuditWizard


Migrating from Built-in (SQL Compact) Database to SQL Server

If you are migrating from the embedded SQL Compact Edition (CE) database to SQL Server, click here for instructions.

Migrating from SQL Server to SQL Server

If you are connecting to an existing SQL Server database, click here for instructions.

Creating a New SQL Database

If you are creating a new SQL Server database, for testing or starting anew, click here for instructions.

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