Layton ServiceDesk - Workflows - Bulk Change Email Domain

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If the domain for user email addresses needs to be changed, e.g., due to a company acquisition, importing End Users or Analysts will cause duplicates, because the email addresses are different. This script will change the domain without altering the name in front of the @ symbol. It is recommended that you test this operation on a test database prior to committing to live.

This procedure applies to both Analysts and End Users. There are a total of three scripts:

  • LSD Bulk Change Email Domain 01 Create Stored Procedures.sql: Creates two Stored Procedures for updating the Analyst and End User tables
  • LSD Bulk Change Email Domain 02 Execute Stored Procedure Analyst.sql: Executes the Stored Procedure for Analysts
  • LSD Bulk Change Email Domain 03 Execute Stored Procedure End User.sql: Executes the Stored Procedure for End Users.


  1. Back up your database. It would be wise to test this on a copy of your database before doing this on live.
  2. Download the package of SQL scripts.
  3. In Management Studio, open LSD Bulk Change Email Domain 01 Create Stored Procedures.sql and execute it.
  4. Open LSD Bulk Change Email Domain 02 Execute Stored Procedure Analyst.sql:
    1. Execute the query.
    2. The top results pane will display the contents of the Analysts table. The lower pane will list just the domains present in the table, without the @ symbol, for reference.
    3. Click the domain to be changed from the lower list of domains and copy it with Ctrl-C.
    4. Replace the string ENTEROLDDOMAIN with the copied domain. Note: Do not enter the @ symbol.
    5. Replace the string ENTERNEWDOMAIN with the new domain, without the @ symbol.
    6. Execute again to change the domain. The two lists will be presented again, for checking the results.
  5. Open LSD Bulk Change Email Domain 03 Execute Stored Procedure End User.sql:
    1. Execute the query.
    2. The top results pane will display the contents of the End User table. The lower pane will list just the domains present in the table, without the @ symbol, for reference.
    3. Click the domain to be changed from the lower list of domains and copy it with Ctrl-C.
    4. Replace the string ENTEROLDDOMAIN with the copied domain. Note: Do not enter the @ symbol.
    5. Replace the string ENTERNEWDOMAIN with the new domain, without the @ symbol.
    6. Execute again to change the domain. The two lists will be presented again, for checking the results.
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